1/12/2025 0 Comments Happy New Year 2025!We are looking forward to a spectacular 2025! Join us January 29 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Brew Lab, 7925 Marty St., Overland Park, KS 66204 for our Winter Social! Join us for drinks, appetizers, and a chance to meet your fellow paralegals. We’ll be wrapping up our Annual Fundraiser at the Winter Social. (You are welcome to bring donations to the social to make our fundraiser for I AM Foundation (https://theiamfoundation.org/home/) a success.) We look forward to seeing you there! Register here: 2025 HPA Winter Social We are planning a great year! We're lining up engaging speakers and fun events. Keep your eyes open for upcoming announcements. Looking back, 2024 has been a great year for the Heartland Paralegal Association! We had a full slate of community outreach projects. In the spring, we worked at Harvesters helping them sort donations to distribute in the community. This summer, we hosted an ice cream social at Ronald McDonald House to give the families of sick children a little break from the summer heat (and what a hot summer we had!). In October, we helped out at Flourish Furnishings, a not-for-profit furniture bank which helps the housing insecure make homes. We had some great CLE presentations: Ethics and the Paralegal; Weed in the Workplace; Pro Bono family law work, immigration law, and a speaker from the Kansas Board of Healing Arts talked about the role of regulatory agencies in governing doctors in Kansas. We had a fabulous slate of speakers at the Fall Seminar including Steve Benjamin with a Nurse Case Worker (Vocational Rehabilitation); the Honorable Rachel Pickering of the Kansas Court of Appeals (AI and Ethics), Vera Hogarth (trust and estate planning), and Vanessa Riebli (elder law). We weren't all work and no play! We had two fantastic socials: the Winter Social in January and our Summer Social in August. And we are working on an equally spectacular 2025.
Here's to a rewarding 2025!
AuthorKate Stuart Archives
January 2025
CategoriesCopyright Heartland Paralegal Association.
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