1/5/2024 Happy New Year!Looking back, 2023 has been a great year for the Heartland Paralegal Association! We had a full slate of community outreach projects. In the spring, we worked on building a ramp with HopeBuilders for an east Kansas City homeowner that made it possible for her to stay in her home. This summer we helped out at Flourish Furnishings, a not-for-profit furniture bank which helps the housing insecure make homes. We had some great CLE presentations: Bradley Farris taught us about real estate and the sticky legal scenarios that can come up in real estate transactions. Jennifer Kempf helped us navigate the line between being a useful paralegal and being guilty of the Unauthorized Practice of Law. The Fall Seminar had a fabulous slate of speakers including Jerry Bell (Elder Law and planning for retirement); Anne Bradley (civil rights in public education), and Darryl Burton who shared his harrowing story of being wrongfully convicted by an indifferent criminal justice system and incarcerated for decades in an aggressively hostile penal system before being acquitted. We weren't all work and no play! We had two fantastic socials: the Winter Social in February and our Summer Social in July. It's been great to get out and catch up with old friends and meet new people face-to-face.
And we are working on an equally spectacular 2024. We're lining up some great speakers to teach us about all sorts of relevant and timely topics. Keep your eyes open for upcoming announcements on those events. We are also in full swing starting the New Year off right with our Winter Social on January 30. Join us at the Brew Lab for appetizers and drinks and a chance to meet your fellow paralegals! Register Here! 2024 Winter Social We are also presenting our annual fundraiser donations to the Alzheimer's Association. It's not too late to donate. If you are a member, you may donate online Annual Fundraiser Donation. You may also send your donations to Kate Stuart (c/o Horn Aylward & Bandy, LLC, 2600 Grand Blvd., Ste. 1100, Kansas City, MO 64108). Or you may bring your donations to the event. We look forward to seeing you there! Here's to a sociable and connected 2024! Comments are closed.
AuthorKate Stuart Archives
October 2024
CategoriesCopyright Heartland Paralegal Association.
Heartland Paralegal Association is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. |
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